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How To Multitask - How To Series

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

With Mohit Mehta

Mohit Mehta - a recurrent name across not only our department but a whirlwind of energy all over campus. You would’ve probably seen him as a representative on the Student Council, or entertaining the crowd as an emcee, or on the field with his flair for cricket, busy with event logistics, or on stage with his theatrical alter-ego, or topping charts at Best Manager... Yes, all of this - and much more. So how exactly does he do it? We spent a wonderful afternoon decoding the science behind his multitasking skills, and the truth may not be as intimidating as you’ve perceived. Read on for more!

Multitasker - a term which is misconceptualized by many. Multitasking is not about having an excessive workload or juggling too many tasks at once. The definition we received of multitasking is about loving whatever you do and having fun while doing it without the overbearing factor of stress. The mindset of a person needs to be dynamic. It’s their passion for work that lights up every responsibility is undertaken, which brings out the best in them. Complain at every new piece of work that comes our way, or view a fresh task as cumbersome isn’t going to help. It’s all about making the most of the chances and opportunities that come our way!

There’s no specific skill set as such one requires when it comes to multitasking. It's just the perception you’ve about the work you’re doing. Your outlook on work eliminates the stress associated with it and challenges you to be better every day.

Mohit has been a multitasker for as long as he can remember. He started his journey at Christ with zest - he wanted to try everything under the sun - and that’s exactly what he did. Being told time and again that he wasn’t cut out for the roles he took, or that he wouldn’t have enough time to manage all his interests only fueled him to get better and balance all that he had on his plate. Despite the obstacles he faced along the way, one motto kept him going - that he has the fire to show that he can do it, come what may. He doesn’t view failure as rejection, his stint at Best Manager proves that. After facing elimination on the first day at his first-ever fest, his zeal to perform at the flagship event didn’t die, and he eventually emerged victoriously.

He took that as a stepping stone to up his game for the next opportunity he gets. Participating in more events and meeting new people was his next focus, and Christ provided the perfect platform for his endeavors. Trying his hand at theatre, performing at Darpan, knocking it out of the park at MPL, owning the stage at Vistas, while in the same breath excelling academically reignited his confidence. His eagerness to explore the unexplored led him to take a seat on the Student Council, enter the core team at CUMAA and understand the inner workings of the Logistics Committee. “Not being overwhelmed by all that you can do is key”, he prompts.

Mohit reckons that luck isn’t usually in his favour, but he has been blessed with an extremely supportive network of family and friends (special shout-out here to his Logistics fam!). It comes as no surprise then, that his ultimate role model is his father, whom he looks up to immensely.

Everyone has a mantra in life that is part of their inner monologue and helps them face reality and for Mohit, that is his fire. He constantly reminds himself to fuel the burning fire. He goes through life with the reminder that he has the passion and the spirit to achieve whatever he sets his mind to.

While multitasking, it is natural to face burnout at some point or another and that only further proves how much of a true multitasker you are. Going with the flow will make things fall into place naturally. Commitment and strategizing for your goals is the key to being a multitasker.

Priorities, we all have them not because we want to choose between the things we love but because we’re only human and there's only so much of ourselves we can give or we’ll end up wearing ourselves out too thin. Some advice that we received was to think of it from a long term perspective whether its work or people. Are the things that you’re investing your time and energyin going to make a difference in 5 years? Are they something that brings you joy? Will they be there through thick or thin? These questions are something to keep in mind while starting off with learning to prioritize; it's not easy but then again, nothing worth having in life comes easy. That being said we shouldn’t completely neglect our short term goals either but it's all about looking at things from a birds eyes perspective.

Going all out and giving everything 100% is all you should do!

For a majority of us, multitasking has become a part of our lives ever since Christ began but Mohit has been one ever since he can remember. It is the training and lifestyle we choose while starting to multitask which makes us better at it. However, one should always learn to balance out their life because extremes are dangerous waters to trade-in. Post COVID-19 life is going to be extremely fast paced and prepping for it during the lockdown with breaks is the only way to achieve your goals. Are you ready and prepping like Mohit too?

Edited By

Vani Ambardar - 3 BBA F

Shruti Nayata - 3 BBA D

Sanjana Mukund - 1 BBA F

Priya Pachattu - 1 BBA E

Rimjhim Agrawal - 1 BBA F

Design By

B G Sharanya - 1 BBA A

Harshvardhan Singh - 1 BBA F



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