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Rapid Fire ft. Wealth Management

Updated: Sep 18, 2022

How to live in a world for the wealthy and by the wealthy?
Episode 3 shows you how, with Harsh Kumar, Neeta Nagaraj, Srijan Rastogi and MS Sai Vishal!

Q - Apart from what the name conveys, what do you think is the essence of your event?

Managing wealth; be it that of an individual, a company, or a country, requires a comprehensive understanding of the working of financial markets and the impact of economic policy. We believe that the essence of WM is really just improving financial literacy; something that’s so important right now.

Q - How crucial is research for your event?

Research is key for any event, but it becomes all the more important in WM as participants are required to understand the factors responsible for the underlying value of any asset or company, and to formulate sound financial strategies.

"Wealth Managers tend to be risk takers and like gambling with fate."

Q - Is having a teammate a make or break for Vistas?

Having a teammate is honestly like flipping a coin. Wealth Managers tend to be risk takers and like gambling with fate, so this seems like the perfect metaphor. You may end up with a teammate that’s excellent to work with or pulls you down, there’s really no saying which one it can be. However, Vistas takes you through a journey of self-realization; one where you identify your personal strengths and weaknesses. With or without a teammate, just know that its very possible for you to make it to the top.

"With respect to Vistas, all we’ll say is get reading :)"

Q - Is knowing what’s happening globally important?

On a general note, yes, it definitely is. Your perception and understanding of things that happen globally end up shaping your thought process, and that’s something that’ll always stay with you. With respect to Vistas, all we’ll say is get reading :)

Q - On an end note, what are the last words you would like to leave your participants with?

Festing is something we don’t get to do as often, now that we’re Event Heads. To the first-year participants, we hope that we can make your first fest an experience that you cherish and take both learnings and memories away from. To the second-year participants, there’s always something new to learn and putting your best foot forward in this Vistas is extremely important, y’all know why :)

In the world we live in, money really is power! We’ll see y’all soon!


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